Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Blogaholics / Blogville

Hello, my name is Erin and I am a blogaholic..... I think I am following over 100 blogs at the present time. (Give or take a few - slight exaggeration). I simply cannot keep up with my google reading list and thus find myself shirking from my wifely/mothering /Parental/housekeeping duties. (Yes the dishes are still in the sink).
I check my updates often and regularly, and find myself scrolling through new blogs, to which I find new blogs on the blog I am looking at's blogroll. Confused? Same here. Is anyone else having this similar conundrum? I haven't been to the library in over 3 weeks because quite frankly I don't need any more reading material. I constantly feel like I have had 3 red bulls and am always over stimulated from the abundance of great reads, great ideas, and great posts - on great blogs. And I have now mentioned the word 'blog' nine times on this blog post. But you know what? Its an addiction that I don't want to stop!

Note. I will be back to my 'sane' posting on Wednesday.
Image via: Me


Ms. B @ Millie Deel said...

I'm right there with ya. Blog reading/writing is an addiction.

The Wifestyle Files said...

I'm glad I am not alone Ms.B!

Mandy said...

I'm totally there! I actually am looking for NEW blogs to add to my reader because I have "free time" that I need to fill with something...this 'free time" is also when I'm supposed to be doing wife/mother duties but some how I seem to get it all done. tee hee

Unknown said...

Your were just wirting my life, kids, husband, work, house, craft... and blog, blog, blog, i have 3!!! yes you read right 3.... and one of them ins spanish/english but i just love it!!!!
i'm with you!! for sure!1

Kara said...

I know what you mean!
At least I have saved some money as I'm not reading as many magazines now...there's a positive to everything huh?
btw - your blog is so lovely!

Kellie Collis said...

Me too. My friends at work think i am mad! x

samia said...

i am totally with u.. i love being stimulated with great ideas and great reads.. it was hard to put it in words.. but u did it pretty well.. :) its an addiction which whn neglected is felt the most..

A Girl with a Pink Balloon said...

haha, I can totally relate! My boss sat down with me the other day at work and said that they would unblock Facebook as long as i refrian from any site that has the words blogger or blogspot in it!

Anonymous said...

You are so right! Sometimes I am glad my partner works nights so that he can't see how long I spend reading blogs. I've just discovered yours by the way, and my list just gets longer!!!!!!!!!!